We talk you read, we stab you blead...!!! We talk the talk, and walk the walk (what ever this means)...!!! from the creators of "دولة عوهة العظمى" www.3ohah.com, comes the migrating headache of: "the Das ist fantastich show"....* *Be Warned, it's highly unusual for you to understand what comes in these pages...!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

It;s Not The Usual Blah Blah Blah

Well, first let me tell you that this post is about nothing. I just wanted to write something since our last post was Nov. 3rd... the first day of Eid ^_^...

I'm not good at this. Writing stuff.... Coming up with something of interest or not of interest to anyone. I tried to write about how I feel, but i was not satisfied with the final product. It seems that I'm always pissed off, always annoyed at something hehe... Always bitching. Not like me at all... ok maybe it is like me just a little bit hehe.

And I wrote about trivial stuff which I thought was fun. But I ran out of ideas, and I didn't want people to think that I'm nerdy with all the facts that I'm shooting at you people hehe...

Then I decided to write a story, which DID NOT WORK at all. Do you guys rememebr the post: "The Chronicles of...." It was going to be a surprise. The idea, characters (most of them), storyline is in my head but i find it very hard to put it on paper; and if I write it the way it is now it will be very very long and will not be in relativley short segments the way I pictured it. Also it is hard to come up with characters for the story hehe. I mean I already have many but not enough to tell the story to the end. So this idea is on-hold for now until I decide on a style and a pattern to tell the story.

This blog seems dead. I don't know why, when we have so many contributors hehe. We have many conributors but not many do post. Exo has left the country to finish his study (god luck with everything my friend), Spartan has left us, Koko.... well I have no idea who he is. He never posted anything. I hear that he's around and checks the blog from time to time... but I'm not sure :) ... And we have Ich Bin Sehr Gut who post something from time to time, but he is busy with school. And finally me ^_^.... I'm busy with work... kind of hehe ^_^

Well, I guess this is it for today. I don't want to bore you to death. And if I did get over it, this is not going to be the last time hehe ;p

Bye for now...


p.s.: the story was going to have the title "The Chronicles of the 2th~Man" (2th~man = toothman)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

El3eid El3eid ^_^

Salam 3elkom jami3aan. 3eidkoom mbarak o 3asakom min el 3aideen wel faizeen.

Ana al7een akhalekoom, baroo7 aftaa7 el telfizyoom o achoof mama anisa wel a6faal o asmaa3 aghani el 3eid hehe ^_^

bas 7abait abarik lokom o ahanikoom

Salam 3alaikom

Thursday, October 27, 2005

pissed off

There is something that's been bothering me ever since i came back to Kuwait about a year ago. Many people here seem to like to bullshit and honesty seem to be no longer present... It is kind of sad. But I guess this is the way it is here. Even your best friends can't be fucking striaght with you anymore. Whatever it is that you feel, whatever you want just go head and say it. Don't just fucking talk around what you want and expect me, or other people, to understand.

Here is one example. If you don't want to go out just tell me "hey I don't want ot go out". I'll fucking understand and I will look for someone else to go out with. Don't say "ok, I just need to take a shower", or whatever fucking excuse and then after sometime I call again to see where the hell you are and you tell me some fucked up excuse, like "oh my cat died", or "my wife fainted because she saw a cockroach, and I have ot take her to the hospital", that you fucking expect me to believe. A child would not fucking believe this bullshit and you expect me to?? Tell me from the begining that you don't want to go out. Just don't make me wait and waste my time.

This is only one situation that comes to my mind at the moment. There are many situations like this. I'll be there in 5 minutes, but in reality it will take 3o minutes. Just tell me hey I'm on my way. The streets are so busy and I'm stuck. Or I left home late so I wil be a little late. I will understand. Somedays are just not your days. Shit happens all the time and sometimes you cannot control the situation. It happens to everyone.

We're adults here. No need for kid games. No need to lie. As we all know lier go to hell ^_^... I'll understand. Everybody will understand. Just tell the truth and be honest.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good Bye Dear Friend

Exzo.... Good bye, and good luck yal mother fucker ;P~~~~ walla eny a7ebek o ra7 aftegdik

Bas ya ga7ba ma tgool enna 3endik rabe3 adeg 3alehoom o asalem 3alehoom gabel la amshee... Ma tgool ena refeji Moshi nassai o a7saan enni adeg 3aleeh o athakraa... Bas 3ad tabe el sej, ana gelt enik yemkin ma tsafer... hehe... Shkether sarlik ajjalt... 3 asabee3??? Wela shahar?? hehe... Sert chenik elyahil elly egool "yanna el theeb yanna el theeb" bas khol ga7ba echatheb 3al naas... O laman sarat el sejjiya o ga3ad e9arekh "el theeeb el theeeeeb" ma7ad sadega. Enta chethy sert... basafer o basafer o ma tsafer... laman sarat elsejjiyaa o safart ya shagool o ma salamnaa 3aleek wala raja3nalik aflamik... Mo aflaam, bas film wa7ed hehe...

Anyway, etrooo7 o tred bel salamah o ma3aak el shahadaa o rafe3 rasek fooog ^_^

Yala salam o mwafaag

Saturday, October 01, 2005

whos the worst Dr. in KU....?!?!

to all bloggers, and all the ppl who went to kuwait university....

with out any sensorship, or editing, who do you think is the worst doctor man or woman in ku, state his or her name, the department, and why do you think he is an asshole....!!!

don't restrain your self.....

it's pay back.....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

عبدالله معيوف .... قسم بالله انك ريّال.....؟!؟!؟

اكيد اغلب المهتمين بالشؤون الرياضية تابعوا بشغف برنامج الراي المكشوف بقناة الراي و شاف الدرس الي عطاه عبدالله معيوف رئيس لجنة التدريب المستقيل لأحمد اليوسف الطرطنقي العود مال اتحاد الخرى الكويتي
و الله بردت جبدي يا المعيوف و ذكرتني بايام عز الكرة الكويتية و شفت الترقص و القوال و انت تسفل باليوسف و تفضحه بالتلفزيون
يا جماعة الي يلحق عليها خل يشوف الاعادة الظهر راح تطفي النار الي بقلب كل واحد زعل على مستوى منتخب الكويت الزفت لكرة الخرى بعينهم
بس جان زين لو كانت مدة البرنامج 4 ساعات ، و كنت اتمنى لو معيوف تكلم عن سبب تمسك الاتحاد بحمير الشمري اكبر نجلة في تاريخ الكويت و ليش للحين يلعب و يسجل اهداف على المنتخب اكثر حتى من مهاجمينا
الحجي بيطول و انا بودي اجابلهم و اكتب عنهم بس انشاء الله اذا حصلت وقت

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Anime Related...


I've been hearing a lot of talk about a sequel to this show lately. Some people swore to me that they will recieve the first DVD of it in the mail soon. I don't want to disappoint you people but there won't be any mor Berserk. Hopefully this will put an end to the lies and guessing game.

Here is a press release from Media Blaster ( the American company releasing the show in N. America)by CEO John Sirabella: "There was also no news on plans for more Berserk anime."

So no more Berserk. Maybe never... But you never know.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Chronicles of ........

In a universe that is parallel to the one we live in . In a planet just like ours. In a city so sweet it was named Sugar City. There evil started to emerge. Rot and decay started to eat up the city. Evil in its filthiest form started to rise and seize control. In this city, there lived a man... A legend.... A hero no man has ever heard of before. A man who drilled all decay, dig all mold, and filled and restored the city to its healthy peaceful whiteness.

This is his story. His chronicles.....

The Chronicles of the ...................

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You.

Friday, September 09, 2005


The Barber Pole.

Do you guys recognise this??? The 3 or 2 colored candy looking pole that is now the symbol of barbers in western countries? Have you ever wondered where it came from?? Well, I have and did some research. And here is what I found

Back in time, many centuries ago, barbers used to do some surgeries. They were called barber-surgeons. So, they cut hair and slice people open as well. It was not until mid 18th century that barbers got separated from surgeons (the real ones) for good.

Barbers used to extract teeth, perform enemas (injecting liquid into the rectum to stimulate evacuation-3elaj lel emsaak ya3ny), bloodletting ( The removal of blood, usually from a vein, as a therapeutic measure), and wound surgery. It is from this process of bloodletting that the barber pole sign was created.

In the old days people believed that extra blood can causes disease (crazy isn't it). And they went to barber surgeons to cut open their arm through the veins and let the extra blood out. Crazy as it may seem people back then believed this would reduce the intensity of the illness they had caught. The patient would hold a rod so that his/her veins would pop-up and the barber would perform his part. Then after enough bleeding (until the patient faint) the barber would bandage the arm and that's it.

These bandages were washed, and hanged outside the shop on a POLE to dry. The bandages would twist around the pole due to the wind and give the spiral pattern that is now associated with The Barber Pole. Sometime the barber would hang a bloody bandage along side a clean one (which gave the red and white spiral color) as an advertisment for his services.

Later on, with medical advances, leeches were used to suck the blood instead of cutting (for less and more controlled bleeding). Leeches were kept in a container, which is now represented by the round ball on top of the pole. Soon after, these poles were replaced with painted poles (red and white strips) with a ball on top and placed permenantly outside as advertisment, and kept the bloody, more ghastly pole inside.

There are many speculations about how the color blue became associated with the pole. Some say that it stands for the color of veins (veins are coded blue in medicine, while arteries are red). Others say that Americans included the blue color in the pole to match the American flag; red, white, and blue.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Clarifying Confusion

It came to my attention that my nickname resembles a the name of some radical religious group. So i decided to change my nick name so there won't be confusion. I don't know if you guys rememebr the show Alrajol Al7adidi. I used to watch it on tv when I was a kid. It was a pretty good show. Awsome in a matter of fact. The bad guy in the show was Alqaed Satoola (my old nickname). He was the king of dinosaurs. Anyway, I just wanted to clarify things that's all. And maybe later I will tell you guys what my new nickname means ^_^....

See you all later

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Just like the Dinosaurs....

Well, how do I start.....???? I guess by saying hi to all of yous. How are you all doing? Hopefully good and in good health. Or maybe facing extenction..!! just like the Dinosaurs.

What brings this topic to my mind??? Well, becuase there are a lot of arrogant sons of bitches in this country... sons of bitches with tiny brains. Hopefully you are not one of them. And if you are, then fuck you.

Dinosaurs faced extenction millions of years ago. Different theories were made about how they disappeared. The ice age, the meteor hitting earth and so on. Well, I think, and this is completely my theory, that they face extection because they are stupid. They have itty bitty tiny brains. And maybe they were arrogant too, I don't know.

If they could think, they could've came up with a way to live on. Maybe live among us to this day. But their tiny brains can't think. They only think of eating, sleeping, and sex. Just like many people in this country now a days. No respect to any onther human being; they think that they rule this land. And the streets they walk and drive upon are their own and no body has a right to use them. And if somebody walked or drove in a way (following the traffic laws) differetn than what that person wants, it is judgement day, and god help us all.

If we don't change and start to use our fucking brains to their full potential (as you know we humans have the most complex brains of all creatures) we will end up like the dinosaurs. EXTENCT. No more. Nothing. Fucked up.

So people lets use our minds and try to improve ourselves and our way to deal with other people. Let's be sofisticated, and educated. Lets eliminate arrogance, and live like fucking human beings for once. Lets learn to give and take and treat everybody equally. Lets stop thinking with our dicks (or pussies) and see how life will be....

To all of yous arrogant fuckhead, hopefully you learned something today.

To all the other, this is my thought for today. See you next time

Monday, May 09, 2005

Comming soon a blog near you.....!!!

comming Aug 25